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Environmental Services Resources

At Smart Facility Software, we’re always examining ways to make it easier for facilities to effectively manage environmental services. These articles are designed to help directors communicate management concepts unique to EVS with hospital administration, fostering a greater understanding and more productive relationship.

ONE software: THREE advances in real-time EVS communications.

If you’re an EVS direc­tor, you’re like­ly look­ing for bet­ter and faster ways to com­mu­ni­cate with your team mem­bers. You should know there are three com­mu­ni­ca­tions advances in Smart Facility’s EVS soft­ware that are rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing […]

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The Advantages of Going Paperless for EVS Teams

Stud­ies show that paper­less hos­pi­tals are bet­ter for both patients and staff, mak­ing hos­pi­tals safer, more effi­cient, and more sus­tain­able. But it’s not just patient health records that are going dig­i­tal: envi­ron­men­tal ser­vices can ben­e­fit […]

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