Woman doing a bed turnover service.

Meeting Environmental Services goals requires a plan, and a software, unique to your facility.

Smart Facility Software is the original specialized software built for your unique EVS workflow.

As a hos­pi­tal leader, you know bet­ter than any­one the impact that Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices (EVS) per­for­mance has on your patient care envi­ron­ment. And you know how hard it can be to find the right soft­ware that can both man­age the com­plex­i­ties of your spe­cif­ic hos­pi­tal process­es, with­out adding to your work­load.

Here are three things to look for when selecting EVS software:

1) Does it capture data unique to your facility?

The most accu­rate cal­cu­la­tion of EVS staffing needs begins with doc­u­ment­ing the square footage in your own facil­i­ty, and clas­si­fy­ing the data by room type, floor type, and addi­tion­al cri­te­ria. With an accu­rate mod­el of your facil­i­ty, you can cal­cu­late the exact time need­ed to clean the facil­i­ty on a dai­ly basis.

Smart Facil­i­ty Soft­ware cap­tures this data and turns it into tasks auto­mat­i­cal­ly, so you can plan and man­age every­thing from dai­ly cleans to dis­charges, to peri­od­ic projects. With Smart Facil­i­ty, hun­dreds of insti­tu­tions no longer have to rely on approx­i­ma­tions of their facility’s needs. You can make effi­cient assign­ments, train staff, and report results, all with­in one spe­cial­ized EVS soft­ware, all based on your unique data.

2) Does it support the entire EVS workflow?

EVS man­age­ment is a com­plex web of skills, tasks, fre­quen­cies, tim­ing, peo­ple and out­comes.

It involves keep­ing track of not only spe­cial­ized clean­ing pro­to­cols that con­tin­ue to evolve as the sci­ence behind infec­tion con­trol evolves, but admin­is­tra­tive require­ments like cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, ongo­ing edu­ca­tion and train­ing, and reg­u­la­to­ry report­ing to respond to evolv­ing health­care require­ments. 

More than the sum of soft­ware mod­ules:

The capa­bil­i­ty of a soft­ware to man­age com­plex envi­ron­ments doesn’t just lie in iso­lat­ed mod­ules like task man­age­ment, sur­veys, and sched­ul­ing. It lies in how these mod­ules work togeth­er to sup­port your entire work­flow. The right soft­ware should be able to answer ques­tions like:

  • How do you orga­nize, assign, log and report on tasks for every employ­ee in a large depart­ment? 
  • How are Qual­i­ty Inspec­tion Sur­vey Results used once you have them? 
  • Can the soft­ware turn the data into indus­try-required reports: for exam­ple, an OR Ter­mi­nal Clean­ing Log, or proof of clean­ing poli­cies to ful­fill a Joint Com­mis­sion request?

With­out atten­tion to the entire EVS work­flow, data is just data. Only soft­ware that under­stands the com­plex­i­ties of EVS can turn facil­i­ty data into mean­ing­ful qual­i­ty and effi­cien­cy.

3) Is it built by people with specific industry experience? 

Gen­er­al­ized soft­ware that can “do it all” tends to be designed by peo­ple more inter­est­ed in soft­ware than your depart­ment. But spe­cial­ized work requires spe­cial­ized soft­ware, designed by EVS pros that are famil­iar with the spe­cif­ic chal­lenges and com­plex­i­ties of your indus­try, and thus have the exper­tise to address and man­age those com­plex­i­ties effec­tive­ly.

Smart Facil­i­ty is the fore­most soft­ware built by EVS man­agers, for EVS man­agers. Our core staff is made up of EVS pro­fes­sion­als who know exact­ly the chal­lenges you face as a hos­pi­tal direc­tor, because they’ve faced those same chal­lenges. 

That’s why we’ve been work­ing since 1986 to build soft­ware solu­tions that address the spe­cif­ic needs of envi­ron­men­tal ser­vices teams. And it’s why we con­tin­ue to devel­op them, and work with our clients, to keep pace with the evolv­ing demands of EVS: whether that means updat­ing your work assign­ments for new COVID clean­ing pro­to­cols, or fig­ur­ing out how to use your data to address your hospital’s spe­cif­ic admin­is­tra­tive needs. 

Because you shouldn’t have to retro­fit your soft­ware to fit your needs; it should be built around those needs.

Want to learn more? Check out our upcoming Webinar: Roadmap to Understanding & Procuring EVS Software.

Or con­tact us at 800–260-8665 or info@smartfacilitysoftware.com to sched­ule a per­son­al­ized demo.