Introducing the Automated Task Assignment Decision Engine

As a hospital leader, you make decisions all day, every day that affect the operations of your facility. Some decisions take time and attention to make, while other decisions—like determining which employee to assign to a one-off task—are much easier, even routine. 

But while the rou­tine deci­sions might be eas­i­er to make, they also tend to fill up your time, inter­rupt­ing you through­out the day and pulling atten­tion from more com­plex deci­sions and projects.

Research shows that mak­ing too many deci­sions in a day can lead to deci­sion fatigue: what the Amer­i­can Med­ical Asso­ci­a­tion defines as “a state of men­tal over­load that can impede a person’s abil­i­ty to make deci­sions.” One of their rec­om­men­da­tions for over­com­ing deci­sion fatigue: stream­lin­ing your choic­es, by automat­ing what­ev­er deci­sions you can.

That’s where our Task Assign­ment Deci­sion Engine comes in. There are like­ly a few sim­ple cri­te­ria you use to assign tasks every­day: like which ser­vice is need­ed, or what room type needs clean­ing. Using ES Opti­miz­er and Ser­vice Opti­miz­er, you can set up the cri­te­ria once, and then let our soft­ware take it from there. 

You make the hard deci­sions. Let us make the easy ones.

Here’s how the Task Assignment Decision Engine works:

Sep­a­rate from pre-planned dai­ly assign­ments, tasks are one-off requests that pop up out­side your usu­al EVS sched­ule. Our Deci­sion Engine allows you to set up task dis­tri­b­u­tion rules that auto­mat­i­cal­ly assign a task when it comes in. 

There are cur­rent­ly 3 ways that tasks enter ES Opti­miz­er and Ser­vice Opti­miz­er. 

1. Service Request

A task may come in as a result of a cus­tomer tex­ting or scan­ning the QR code from a ser­vice request sign.

2. EHR Integration through HL7 

If you are using our EHR (HL7) inter­face, dis­charge clean­ing tasks are auto­mat­i­cal­ly input into ES Opti­miz­er when a room is marked as dis­charged or trans­ferred in the EHR.

3. Manually Added Task

A task can be added man­u­al­ly to the Task list in ES Opti­miz­er.

For tasks that come in through the Cus­tomer Ser­vice Request Sign, you can set up the deci­sion engine rules in Ser­vice Opti­miz­er. For tasks that come in man­u­al­ly or through the HL7 inter­face, you can set up the deci­sion rules in ES Opti­miz­er.

Here’s how the Decision Engine Rules Work:

Tasks are auto­mat­i­cal­ly assigned using the pri­or­i­ty lev­els that you set up for a Room Type and/or  Ser­vice Request­ed. Each lev­el rep­re­sents the type of per­son­nel that should be assigned to the task, e.g. “Assigned Super­vi­sor,” or “Cov­er­age Area Employ­ee.” Lev­el 1 is your first choice– the per­son­nel type that is most appro­pri­ate for the type of task you are assign­ing. From there, if a Lev­el 1 employ­ee is not avail­able, you can assign back-up staff in Lev­el 2. If no one from Lev­el 2 is avail­able, then the sys­tem will move on to Lev­el 3.

You can set up to sev­en lev­els of per­son­nel types, includ­ing “Any­one logged in,” which is the broad­est net to cast if all else fails. These lev­els can be cus­tomized for each room type/service need­ed com­bi­na­tion, so you can make sure the sys­tem is always assign­ing the most appro­pri­ate team mem­ber for a task.

Each time a task comes in, the EVS soft­ware will cycle through your pref­er­ences, and route it to the best per­son avail­able. 

EVS Man­agers are respon­si­ble for hun­dreds of deci­sions each week. With our Task Assign­ment Deci­sion Engine, we can share some of the load. You can rest easy know­ing that our soft­ware will make the right deci­sion, exact­ly the way you would make it—leaving you to focus on the big­ger issues that demand your time and atten­tion.

If you’d like to learn more about how our EVS software can make your life easier by automating your day-to-day decisions, schedule a demo with us today.

If you are already an ES Opti­miz­er client and have ques­tions about how to use the Deci­sion Engine, call us any­time at 800–260-8665, ext. 8 or email