ES Mobile Manager (v 3.3.1) Enhancements

for both Pock­et Inspec­tion Tool and Pock­et Sur­vey Tool

Before upgrad­ing the appli­ca­tion, it’s high­ly rec­om­mend­ed to synch the exist­ing Inspec­tion and Sur­vey data.

This week there are some great new fea­tures in ES Mobile Man­ag­er to enhance the ease of use and expand what you can do with the app. These are the lat­est updates to Mobile Man­ag­er for both Pock­et Inspec­tion Tool and Pock­et Sur­vey Tool:

1) New Pho­to Fea­ture

New in Pock­et Inspec­tion Tool, improved in Pock­et Sur­vey Tool

2) New Sig­na­ture Fea­ture

Employ­ees can now sign their sur­veys or inspec­tions on the mobile device.

3) Updat­ing your Pass­word just got eas­i­er.

Now, when you update your pass­word on the web appli­ca­tions, you can update your pass­word with the click of a but­ton on the mobile app. Just click on “Update Pass­word” ES Mobile Man­ag­er.

4) Email Com­plet­ed Inspec­tions or Sur­veys direct­ly from ES Mobile Man­ag­er

Pre­vi­ous­ly you could only email com­plet­ed inspec­tions or sur­veys once they were uploaded to the web appli­ca­tions.  Now you can email direct­ly from your mobile device.

5) Grant or remove access to ES Mobile Man­ag­er by a user’s Role.

Note: Once you have images (pho­tos or sig­na­tures) attached to your sur­veys or inspec­tions, the synch­ing process may take a lit­tle longer. Always wait for con­fir­ma­tion mes­sage of Synch com­ple­tion as shown below.

 1) Photo Feature

Pock­et Inspec­tion Tool and Pock­et Sur­vey Tool will now allow pho­tos to be saved with your inspec­tion or sur­vey.


In the “Add a Com­ment” win­dow, click on “Add Pho­to” to see the pop­up below. Choose “Cam­era” to take a new pic­ture, or “Pho­to Album” to add an exist­ing pic­ture already on your phone.


 2) Signature Feature — Employees can sign right in Mobile Manger

This is a great new fea­ture for Work­flows that require the Super­vi­sor to review inspec­tion results with the employ­ees. When the employ­ee is required to sign to con­firm the review, now he or she can sign right on the mobile device, auto­mat­i­cal­ly attach­ing their sig­na­ture to the inspec­tion or sur­vey.

This fea­ture can be turned on or off in the Web Appli­ca­tion. To turn this fea­ture on for a facil­i­ty, sim­ply click the sig­na­ture check­box in the “Edit Facil­i­ty” win­dow.

To turn the fea­ture on or off for indi­vid­ual mobile devices, go to the “Serv­er Set­tings” menu in ES Mobile Man­ag­er.

You will see the icon on the web appli­ca­tion

In the web appli­ca­tion, you will see new icons next to com­plet­ed inspec­tions or sur­veys list­ing. Click the icon to view the attached sig­na­ture.


When turned on, the “Sig­na­ture” but­ton becomes avail­able at the top right cor­ner of the screen after an inspec­tion is com­plete. The inspec­tion can still be saved with­out a sig­na­ture.


 3) Update Password Feature

When a user changes a pass­word in the web appli­ca­tion, it also needs to be updat­ed on ES Mobile Man­ag­er to sync.  Pre­vi­ous­ly users had to login and change their pass­word on mobile as well. But now, updat­ing the login infor­ma­tion on mobile is as sim­ple as click­ing the “Update Pass­word” link on the login screen.


4) Email Feature

For mobile devices with email set up, the users can email com­plet­ed inspec­tion or sur­vey results direct­ly from the mobile device.

Choose inspec­tion or sur­vey you wish to email and click the “Email Com­plet­ed Inspec­tions” or “Email Com­plet­ed Sur­veys” but­ton.


The PDF that gets emailed will con­tains the inspec­tion details with added images.

5) Permissions Based for Pocket Inspection Tool

This fea­ture also updates your App Access per­mis­sions in ES Mobile Man­ag­er. That per­mis­sion can be set to your role for QA as shown in below screen­shot. This allows user lev­el per­mis­sions to the Mobile App. Pre­vi­ous­ly, if you have per­mis­sions in ES, all roles auto­mat­i­cal­ly had access to ES Mobile Man­ag­er. Now this acess can be turned on by role.
