Using tra­di­tion­al paper check­lists to assign dai­ly assign­ments and track­ing their com­ple­tion, EVS man­agers have to con­tend with a major blind spot — the team is spread out over a large facil­i­ty and paper check­lists aren’t turned in to man­age­ment until the end of the day — so they don’t real­ly know, in real time, what work is being done and when.

One of the most use­ful and unique tools in Ser­vice Opti­miz­er is the EVS Dash­board. It gives EVS man­agers the abil­i­ty to see the progress of their team as they com­plete their dai­ly assign­ments. With the Ser­vice Opti­miz­er dash­board at hand, man­agers can imme­di­ate­ly see tech­ni­cians track­ing com­plet­ed tasks on mobile devices as they go. This allows them to man­age the process in real time to ensure that every­thing is going as planned. If there are hic­cups, they can shift resources as need­ed.

Smart Facility Software Service Optimizer dashboard

  • The Dash­board tab dis­plays up to nine dif­fer­ent charts, such as:
    • Per­cent com­ple­tion rate for all assign­ments sched­uled for the day (can sort info by employ­ee)
    • Per­cent of patient beds cleaned through­out the hos­pi­tal
    • Total tasks com­plet­ed by employ­ee (will show who is doing exces­sive amounts of add-on tasks ver­sus more rou­tine clean­ing)
    • Per­cent of tasks com­plet­ed (and whether any­thing is out­stand­ing and hasn’t been com­plet­ed)
  • Charts can be viewed by time period—today, yes­ter­day, week, month, quar­ter, six months, cur­rent year, or cus­tom.
  • The dash­board charts can be re-ordered, so you can put your most fre­quent­ly used graphs at the top.
  • You can also cre­ate and add cus­tom graphs with Graph Design­er. Iden­ti­fy the met­rics you want to view, select all or spe­cif­ic employ­ees, select the data point, and spec­i­fy a graph type.

Smart Facility Software Service Optimizer EVS dashboard

In addi­tion to the dash­board, man­agers can see more gran­u­lar data on these screens:

  • On the Employ­ee Sum­ma­ry tab, man­agers can view a dai­ly snap­shot of which employ­ees are logged in, how much work they’ve com­plet­ed that day, and when laps­es in ser­vice are occur­ring.
  • On the His­to­ry tab, man­agers can see every­thing that’s been per­formed by a spe­cif­ic EVS employ­ee.
  • The Tasks tab dis­plays details about tasks. By click­ing the pen­cil icon next to a spe­cif­ic task, you can see all of the items asso­ci­at­ed with that task and their sta­tus, col­or-cod­ed by pri­or­i­ty. Ser­vice requests sub­mit­ted by man­agers or cus­tomers via text or QR code are col­ored orange.
    • Click­ing the pen­cil icon next to a spe­cif­ic item will show more details about that task, includ­ing a descrip­tion of the work request­ed.
  • The Patient Rooms tab details all of the patient rooms that have been cleaned that day, and indi­cates whether they were dis­charge or rou­tine cleans.
    • By click­ing Complete/Incomplete rooms on the upper right side, man­agers can instant­ly pull a report of rooms cleaned and not cleaned in a day.

This essen­tial Ser­vice Opti­miz­er tool enables EVS man­agers to see work­flow issues before they become a prob­lem and reas­sign resources for the best out­comes.

Con­tact us today to learn more about Ser­vice Opti­miz­er and sched­ule a demo.