We are con­stant­ly updat­ing our soft­ware to expand its func­tion and usabil­i­ty. In the field con­stant­ly with our clients, we see their devel­op­ing needs first­hand and cre­ate solu­tions. We put those into action as quick­ly as we can, some­times overnight, to make our appli­ca­tions work for you.

From time to time, we have real­ly big news—some big changes to get excit­ed about. Today, in our new release of ES Opti­miz­er Mobile, we have 9 new capa­bil­i­ties to make your life eas­i­er. The most excit­ing update is the Deci­sion Engine.

Decision Engine!

Tasks and Ser­vice Requests can be processed and assigned to tech­ni­cians auto­mat­i­cal­ly through the deci­sion engine. Now, a super­vi­sor doesn’t have to be on duty to assign and for­ward tasks. Learn how.

Oth­er updates that add to the flex­i­bil­i­ty and usabil­i­ty to your soft­ware are:

Service Optimizer Tech Mobile

Technicians can Log Vacant Beds as they clean

An EVS tech­ni­cian now has the option to indi­cate if a bed is vacant by uncheck­ing it in the mobile app, Ser­vice Opti­miz­er Tech Mobile. The bed’s vacant sta­tus can be seen in Ser­vice Opti­miz­er. Learn how.

Technician can log Room Comments during cleaning

The employ­ee may now report any issues with a room dis­cov­ered dur­ing clean­ing in the Ser­vice Opti­miz­er Tech Mobile app. Just click on the new “Room Com­ment” but­ton on the room record in the app. Learn how.

Technician can Select Short Staff Assignment

The tech­ni­cian can now use Ser­vice Opti­miz­er Tech Mobile to select and com­plete a Short Staff Assign­ment instead of their nor­mal Dai­ly Assign­ment when staffing requires alter­nate staffing meth­ods be employed. The Ser­vice Opti­miz­er web appli­ca­tion high­lights those assign­ments in green so it is clear to man­age­ment they are being per­formed. Learn how.

Choose Assignment & Coverage Area at Login Prompt

Upon their first login to Ser­vice Opti­miz­er Tech Mobile users will be prompt­ed to choose what assign­ment and/or cov­er­age area they are assigned to that day. Learn how.

ES Optimizer

“Include Closed Room(s) Minutes” in Daily Assignments Modules

Soft­ware: ES Opti­miz­er
You now have the option to include Closed Room min­utes in the Total Assigned Min­utes. You have the option in the Assign­ments List­ings and when cre­at­ing Short Staff assign­ments. Learn how.

Set Passing Grade Threshold in Employee Training

The employ­ee train­ing mod­ule allows super­vi­sors to sched­ule class­es cre­at­ed in ES Opti­miz­er, per­form the class, grade, and allow employ­ees to sign, and com­plete the class all on the mobile appli­ca­tion. A new fea­ture now gives Super­vi­sors or Man­agers the option to require a pass­ing grade. Learn how.

Survey Optimizer

Surveyee Search Feature in Survey Optimizer

Users now have the abil­i­ty in Sur­vey Opti­miz­er to search for a sur­vey­ee by name. Learn how.

All Software

Two Security Enhancements

Depart­ments can choose to turn on two new secu­ri­ty enhance­ments: IP Restric­tion — White List­ing and 2‑Factor Authen­ti­ca­tion. Should you require the addi­tion of these secu­ri­ty pro­to­cols please con­tact Smart Facil­i­ty Soft­ware tech­ni­cal sup­port at 1–800-260‑8665 Option #2. Learn how.