Why ES Optimizer is Different from Other ES Software.

Have you pur­chased oth­er Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices soft­ware in the past and been dis­ap­point­ed in the results? The process can be very intim­i­dat­ing and con­fus­ing at best. Smart Facil­i­ty Soft­ware under­stands your frus­tra­tion, so we take a no-non­sense approach to sys­tems man­age­ment by mak­ing ES.Optimizer both easy to use main­tain.

But what are the ben­e­fits of pur­chas­ing a proven man­age­ment sys­tem for your ES depart­ment? Every man­ag­er has their own favorite spread­sheets and word doc­u­ments that seem to do the trick. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in today’s com­plex health­care envi­ron­ment, this is not sophis­ti­cat­ed and pow­er­ful enough to get the job done. ES.Optimizer puts all your man­age­ment func­tions under one umbrel­la, leav­ing you to what you do best, man­ag­ing your peo­ple.

Isn’t deter­min­ing the right amount of staffing becom­ing the most mis­sion crit­i­cal func­tion in today’s ES envi­ron­ment? Our soft­ware jus­ti­fies your staffing resources with a proven method­ol­o­gy based used by over 500 hos­pi­tal that is based on indus­try clean­ing stan­dards. You can run vir­tu­al­ly any what-if sce­nario under the sun.

Do you want a clean­er facil­i­ty and a means to improve cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion? ES.Optimizer makes your facil­i­ty sparkle by sched­ul­ing all nec­es­sary dai­ly clean­ing tasks and a qual­i­ty man­age­ment sys­tem to make sure they are being done right.

Who isn’t being tasked to do more with less? You will receive instant pro­duc­tiv­i­ty with bal­anced work assign­ments and flex sched­ul­ing sys­tems.  Qual­i­ty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty reports are avail­able at your fin­ger­tips mak­ing you the go to expert.

Dis­cov­er what 500 Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices depart­ments already know, that this sys­tem man­ages every crit­i­cal aspect of their oper­a­tion.