We’ve added a new fea­ture in ES Opti­miz­er to make it even eas­i­er for you to access your data.

You can now export your Dai­ly Assign­ments to Excel. 

Here’s how:

1) Click “Man­age Depart­ment”
2) Click “Dai­ly Assign­ments”
3) On the right side of your screen under the “Short Staff Assign­ments” but­ton, you will see an Excel Sym­bol: . Click this and your Dai­ly Assign­ments data will down­load imme­di­ate­ly.


When you open the Excel file, you will see four tabs with your Dai­ly Assign­ments data:
1) Assign­ments
2) Duties
3) Set­tings
4) Notes

1) The Assign­ments tab pro­vides a list of Assign­ments with the infor­ma­tion you entered about each assign­ment: Days/Week, Shift, Total Assigned Min­utes, etc.


2) The Duties tab pro­vides a list of duties for each assign­ment. You will see the Assign­ment num­ber in col­umn A. If you want to see only the duties in a spe­cif­ic assign­ment, use the “Fil­ter” fea­ture in Excel.


3) The Set­tings tab shows the set­tings applied to each Assign­ment.


4) The Notes tab shows the notes attached to the Assign­ments. The Notes line will be blank if you haven’t added any notes.
